This is an absolute atrocity, this man is a sports reporting legend that has been in the business for over 25 years! A local TV sports news icon that I religiously tuned in to watch, in either hopeful expectation, or regretful despondence, contingent upon whether the Mets had won or lost that particular day. Mr. Berman was a pioneer for his trade creating his monthly highlight reel tabbed ‘Spanning The World’. Len Berman played an integral role in lighting my fire for sports during my adolescent years and now he is the victim of what NBC execs are calling ‘budgetary concerns’! What a bitter pill to swallow and how difficult it was for me to hear Mr. Berman on this mornings radio show saying things like, “I guess all good things must come to an end”. All good things must come to an end, this is indeed true, but they should come to an end in a noble way. Look, I’m not downplaying our recent economic downturn, and I understand the sour economy has also forced stations everywhere to retrench, but at a certain point you say, ENOUGH! At what point do you recognize that certain people’s contributions to society are so rich, that respect is warranted? I’m a sucker for nostalgia, and Mr. Berman for me represents a part of my past that I never want to forget and never will! The only negative thing I can say about Mr. Berman’s whole character is that he is an insufferable Yankees fan, but hey, nobody’s perfect! Once again, one of the nice guys gets hosed by a bunch of pimply-faced, back-stabbing, hedonistic, self-seeking, money-grubbing execs. No need to worry though Mr. Berman, because in our eyes, you are the true winner!